While older entries in the Sims serial had simpler mood systems, The Sims 4 introduced Emotions, unlike emotional states a Sim can be in that affects the type of activities they can do. It's a far more circuitous system, and each emotion has its ain pros and cons for a Sim.

Yous might want a Sim to experience a specific emotion for those corresponding benefits, so it would be nice to know how to get your Sim in these specific emotional states. With that in mind, here's a quick one-way ticket to any destination in the Sim emotional spectrum. The xviii emotions are listed below, along with the easiest method to become them, generally from easiest to hardest.

This listing will attempt to show the most accessible way for any and all Sims to achieve an emotion. As such, the following methods will exist excluded:

• Deportment exclusive to toddlers, children, teenagers, and elders

• Deportment sectional to or made easier by sure Sim traits

• Actions exclusive to supernaturals

• Paintings or décor (though if you have a painter in your household, you should most certainly paint emotional paintings, especially if they take the Expressionistic trait)

• Potions, serums, etc.; non-essentials non everyone has access to

• Cheats

18/18 Asleep: Sleep

asleep sleeping soundly the sims 4 emotions

Um… aye. Pretty cocky-explanatory. Nighttime night, buddy.

17/eighteen Uncomfortable: Leave Your Needs Unattended

uncomfortable hungry the sims 4 emotions low hunger needs

Aside from stating the blatantly obvious, the easiest emotion to get is Uncomfortable. It's pretty simple: merely let your Sim's needs deteriorate and drop to scarlet. Certain needs trigger different emotions when lowered, though; the ones that make you Uncomfortable are Bladder, Hunger, Energy, and Hygiene.

If, for some reason, you're looking to stay Uncomfortable for an extended period of time, lowering Hunger can give you a 24-hour window of safe uncomfortability without the hazard of killing your Sim.

16/18 Flirty: Flirt

flirty hot n heavy the sims 4 emotions

This one is also very self-explanatory, though there are a few more than layers to unpack hither. There are, of class, other romantic social interactions other than flirting that will get yous to Flirty Country.

If y'all want to exist flirty very ofttimes, give your Sim a romantic partner, as interacting with them or just being effectually them will sometimes give them Flirty moodlets. Otherwise, watching Romance on Television set or finding a stranger in the wild to have a flirty fourth dimension with will work in a pinch.

15/eighteen Happy: Listen To Music

happy that's my jam the sims 4 emotions

Making your Sim happy is generally pretty piece of cake, as near enjoyable activities will default to giving your Sim Happy moodlets.

That said, if yous demand a piffling actress jolt of happiness, listening to music helps.

Putting music on in the background with a stereo or earphones will add together an extra Happy moodlet while giving your Sim room to do other activities, and y'all'll go another actress Happy moodlet if information technology's a genre they like. Just be sure non to play music your Sim dislikes, which will give a Tense moodlet instead.

xiv/18 Dazed: Watch Laundry

dazed spin cycle the sims 4 emotions

Getting your Sim mazed can exist achieved in two means, available with the Laundry Day Stuff. The more than well-known way of getting dazed is trying to fix a broken object and getting shocked, which should theoretically happen often when fixing a broken washing motorcar with a puddle of h2o under your anxiety.

While electrical stupor gives a very strong Dazed moodlet, that can be a bit hard to achieve. A far easier method is to just scout your washing motorcar as it'due south washing your dress. The spinning motion of the washing machine will requite your Sim a +2, 4-hour Mazed moodlet.

thirteen/eighteen Fine: Live In A Vacuumed House

fine sparkling clean surroundings the sims 4 emotions

If you lot don't have whatsoever moodlets at all, your Sim defaults to the Fine emotion, though finding your Sim with absolutely nada moodlets can be quite difficult.

If yous have the Bust the Dust Kit, having your business firm vacuumed could get you there, every bit living in a make clean house (or at to the lowest degree a make clean flooring) will give you a +1 Fine moodlet that can override milder moodlets from other emotions. If your Bust the Dust Kit is… busted, and you absolutely need to be Fine for some reason, but remove some of your décor to remove whatever décor-related moodlets or go outside to a neutral location.

12/18 Tense: Get out Your Fun Unattended

tense needs amusement the sims 4 emotions

Fun is amid the listing of needs that don't make a Sim uncomfortable when not attended to.

Rather, it gives a Tense moodlet. At its worst, low Fun will give your Sim a Tense moodlet of +3 until you make up one's mind to do fun activities.

sad lonely the sims 4 emotions

Deplorable is another emotion that gains a moodlet from leaving a need unattended. Permit your Social run out to its lowest, and y'all'll get a +three Distressing moodlet that lasts until your Sim's next social interaction.

If you don't have that time, a loved one'south gravestone will make you lot sad in a compression if y'all have one around. Mourning a dead loved one volition give your Sim a +2 Pitiful moodlet that lasts four hours.

10/eighteen Embarrassed: Pee Yourself

embarrassed peed self

Here's yet another emotion that just requires not fulfilling a demand to attain. Among all the ways to get your Sim embarrassed, the one that'south by far the easiest is leaving your Bladder unattended, as non only can information technology be done passively without whatever activities, only it gets you an intense moodlet that lasts quite a while.

Leaving your Bladder unattended for long plenty will cause your Sim to pee themself, which gives them the "Peed Cocky!" moodlet, a +5 moodlet that lasts four hours.

9/18 Focused: Browse Simpedia

focused fascinating facts the sims 4 emotions

To be honest, the best manner to get focused is to do one of the aforementioned methods excluded from the listing, such as taking a bathroom in citrus soaks or looking at a Focused painting. There'south as well vacuuming your house; you get a pretty high Focused moodlet immediately later vacuuming, simply, every bit mentioned, the Bust the Dust Kit is a glitchy crapshoot.

If you need it in a compression, browsing Simpedia on your estimator does a pretty proficient job. It's only a +1 moodlet, but it lasts for four hours.

viii/18 Inspired: Watch Cooking Television set

inspired to cook the sims 4 emotions

If you're an artist, author, or otherwise creative Sim, doing your craft usually puts your Sim in the Inspired emotion. Every bit is with other positive emotions, Happy moodlets will boost your Inspired emotion farther so long equally no other moodlets from positive emotions override it.

If you need a little extra inspiration, watching the TV cooking channel is a good style to become it. Spend the necessary time on that activity, and yous get a +2 Inspired moodlet that lasts iv hours.

seven/18 Playful: Watch Comedy Or Funny Videos

playful hilarious show the sims 4 emotions

Getting the Playful emotion can be achieved similarly to the previous one. While having Funny conversations with other Sims is a pretty good style, non every Sim is funny plenty to guarantee the receiver of a Sim's jokes gets the respective Playful moodlet.

The all-time pinch method for such is watching Comedy on TV, giving the Sim a Playful moodlet that lasts for four hours. Watching Funny Videos on the estimator will provide a similar effect.

half-dozen/18 Energized: Drink Coffee

energized top notch coffee buzz the sims 4 emotions

Much like in real life, the coffee car is a Sim'due south best friend if they demand a spark of energy. If yous demand to get your Sim Energized in a hurry, brew some java and drink a cup.

I cup will requite you a six-hour moodlet, though how intense the moodlet is will depend on how good the coffee is. Regular cups will provide yous with +one Energized, and Excellent cups will give you +two. In that location are some risks, though; a poor brew will give you an Uncomfortable moodlet instead, and drinking besides much coffee volition give yous a four-hour Dazed moodlet.

5/18 Bored: Engage In A Dull Discussion

bored boring discussion the sims 4 emotions

At that place are other actions that can get your Sim Bored, though they're non exactly the all-time. Reading a skill book below a Sim'southward level for that skill will bore that Sim, but it only lasts while they are reading the volume, and non every Sim has the skill level necessary. Others are far too random or unlikely to rely on to requite you the emotion.

The best method is however having some other Sim engage in a wearisome discussion with another Sim. Just repeat the aforementioned social interaction over and over again or enthuse about topics the listening Sim is non interested in, and both Sims will get a Bored moodlet of +2 at most.

iv/xviii Angry: Engage In A Mean Discussion

very angry aggravating conversation the sims 4 emotions

Similarly, the easiest way to get Angry is through socializing.

Have your Sim perform several Mean social interactions with another Sim or vice versa. If you're comfortable with information technology, run the whole gamut: fight each other, shout forbidden words at each other, the whole shebang. Once y'all've reached a low plenty relationship level with that Sim, you can fifty-fifty perform the Declare Enemy action, which gives an extra four hours of +2 Anger.

iii/18 Confident: Do What You Are Adept At

confident prolific writer the sims 4 emotions

There isn't a catch-all Confident moodlet for every Sim, bated from those excluded (paintings, décor, potions, etc.). Still, the general rule of pollex of doing something you're skillful at to gain confidence applies hither, also.

Virtually skill-based activities will give a Sim a +2 Confident moodlet if they create a tangible thing in their craft with a high enough skill level. An author volition get 1 if they terminate an Excellent or Bestseller book, a painter will become one if they stop a Masterpiece painting, then on.

2/xviii Possessed: Eat Baroque Fruit

possessed infected trait the sims 4 emotions

You tin can simply become your Sim possessed by engaging in activities only accessible with the StrangerVille pack. Said pack offers two ways to get the Possessed moodlet, which is guaranteed to override any and all other moodlets.

The far more straightforward way is to plant and eat Bizarre Fruit. You lot can get seeds for it from the Curio Shop. Once ingested, it will give your Sim the Possessed moodlet inside random intervals over the bridge of iii hours. Some other possibly more fun fashion is to explore the Secret Lab lot in the StrangerVille world, where the second floor offers toxic clouds your Sim can enter to get the emotion. Once you become possessed once, your Sim will go the "Infected" trait, which will crusade them to be randomly possessed every and then often.

ane/xviii Scared: Alive In A Quake Zone

scared seismophobia the sims 4 emotions

As intrusive as it tin can be to your Sim's life, adding the Quake Zone trait to your abode lot is the simply easy, foolproof way to scare your Sim. Other methods, such equally running into ghosts or staying exterior in a thunderstorm, tin't exist counted on to happen regularly.

That said, the mere lot trait will requite your Sim a Scared moodlet, and once a Sim is scared, they can scare other Sims quite easily by screaming incoherently at them.

NEXT: The Sims 4'due south Tiny Living DLC Is Secretly A Bully Puzzle Game